All about Tumeric

Let's talk about the amazing health benefits of turmeric and why we added it to our Pain & Inflammation Formula.

Turmeric, the golden colored strongly flavored spice, is having a “moment.” The ancient spice, celebrated for centuries as both food and medicine, has resurfaced within the health and nutrition communities thanks to curcumin, the healing substance which supplies its vibrant color. Curcumin has significant anti-inflammatory properties that are said to rival those found in ibuprofen. Unlike over-the-counter drugs, turmeric has no toxic effects on the body. Curcumin’s powerful antioxidant advantages have been shown to protect healthy cells, particularly those found in the colon, from cancer-causing agents. It aids the body in destroying mutated cancer cells before they have a chance to spread to other areas. Turmeric also helps to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. All that, and it’s tasty too!

Turmeric’s botanical name is Curcuma longa. The plant reaches barely three feet in height and produces both a flower and a rhizome, or stem that is found underground. The rhizome has an appearance similar to ginger; it is this root-like stem that produces the yellow turmeric spice. Though it can now be found throughout the tropics, India has been the largest producer of turmeric since ancient times.

In recent years turmeric has attracted quite a bit of interest for its natural healing properties, but it has actually been used medicinally for over 4,500 years. Analyses of pots discovered near New Delhi uncovered residue from turmeric, ginger and garlic that dates back as early as 2500 BCE. It was around 500 BCE that turmeric emerged as an important part of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of natural healing that is still practiced today. Ayurveda translates to “science of life”– ayur meaning “life” and veda meaning “science or knowledge.” Inhaling fumes from burning turmeric was said to alleviate congestion, turmeric juice aided with the healing of wounds and bruises, and turmeric paste was applied to all sorts of skin conditions – from smallpox and chicken pox to blemishes and shingles. Ayurvedic literature contains over 100 different terms for turmeric, including jayanti, meaning “one who is victorious over diseases,” and matrimanika, meaning “as beautiful as moonlight.”

Since Turmeric is a perennial herb it has a close relation to ginger and it's actually the root of a plant that's been dried out and crushed into a powder. It is a characteristic bright yellow or yellow orange color and it has a pungy earthy odor. It's a little bit bitter and kind of has a peppery ginger flavor. You really can't miss it in indian dishes as it is the number one herb in curry. The powder is available at most grocery stores and you can find it either in the health food aisle or sometimes in the spice aisle. Curcumin is actually the active ingredient in turmeric and turmeric is one of the most powerful herbs on the planet for fighting and even reversing disease. There are over 10,000 published journal articles that prove the worth of Turmeric so it's well known in the scientific community.

So let's go over the health benefits of turmeric.

1. Tumeric assists in weight loss and prevents obesity and basically it assists in fat loss so you can add it to smoothies, teas, soups and broth. Turmeric has been shown in multiple studies to reduce body fat and lower BMI in obese people and it can actually reduce inflammation as well which can decrease and prevent diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

2. Tumeric helps arthritis and helps with joint pain relief. 54 million adults suffer from arthritis and turmeric actually helps you reduce that inflammation becoming a natural pain reliever. Actually, some studies show that it's as effective as NSAIDs which are Advil and Aleve so it's shown to be as effective as that as a pain reliever. Tumeric also helps reduce swelling that causes pain and discomfort from arthritis and it stops tissue degeneration which is a common result with arthritis.

3. Tumeric fights chronic inflammation and can slow aging! The root cause of aging is free radicals in the body and basically free radicals can get into your body in the first place due to lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, sun exposure and unhealthy diet. Basically free radicals lead to cell death in your body and so antioxidants actually counteract free radicals and stop them from causing so much damage. Turmeric is packed with antioxidants which we love and it can slow the inflammation in aging process.

4. Turmeric reduces acne. Yes, it helps to reduce acne because it is antibacterial!

5. Tumeric reduces wrinkles.  The reason tumeric is effective on wrinkles is because it actuallydefends against UV damage on your skin. This reduces that premature cell death that occurs due to that UV damage from the sun.  Our skin naturally loses elasticity as we get older that's when wrinkles form and your skin just gets a little more saggy. Since Tumeric improves the elasticity of your skin it naturally decreases those wrinkles.

6. Tumeric enhances brain function. Scientific research says that turmeric works wonders on the brain by providing energy to your brain. This helps you learn new skills and become better at other skills! Tumeric actually reduces anxiety and depression by balancing brain chemicals responsible for mood enhancement so it can also help reverse memory problems.

Since it is a natural herb, and as with anything natural, too much can be harmful. Make sure you consult your physician before taking something like turmeric as a supplement.

Hope we provided some knowledge on Tumeric! 

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