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Follow the basics!

 Well it has been awhile since we updated the blog. Fighting to keep ourselves and families healthy these past 6 months has been a challenge. The most important thing we can stress is to maintain social distancing and make sure you take D3 vitamin daily. Studies show over 90% of fatality from Covid 19 and it's variants were folks with D3 deficiencies. A great booster for absorption of D3 is Zinc. We also recommend adding that to your daily diet.  D3 will not prevent you from contracting Covid 19 but there is no need to panic. Using common sense and routine ritual should keep you safe.   When in public, wear a mask - Not a loose fitting piece of cloth or a cheap disposable. Invest in a N95 mask that can better protect you from virus particles.  There was a big debate on the size of the virus particle versus the filtration ability of the mask, however, the virus particle is almost always attached to some other particle which actually makes it too large to pass thru the filter.  Conf

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