Turmeric and why it really is a miracle!

The benefits of turmeric are numerous and that is the reason we chose to add turmeric in our top 2 products. We added it to our Pain & Inflammation formula as well as our Digestion and Immunity Formula!

Today I want to share with you more incredible benefits of turmeric. Listen to this. This will blow your mind. There are over 6,000 clinical studies proving turmeric to be maybe the number one healing herb available today!

 This herb, that most of you can find probably in your own kitchen cabinet, has been used for over 5,000 years. It's referenced throughout history and widely used all over Asia today. Turmeric is prevalent especially India and China where it is traded on the black market for gold.  Yes, I said gold! https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3109423/sri-lanka-turmeric-being-exchanged-gold-black-market

 It's been found to be probably more beneficial than at least 20 different medications out there today!

The reason why turmeric is so beneficial is it contains an active compound called curcumin. Curcumin or curcumenoids, which there are many different types, are highly anti-inflammatory. If you want to harness the benefits of turmeric just keep reading as I go through some of the benefits.


  • Turmeric, again being anti-inflammatory, can help relieve pain. If you struggle with chronic joint pain, muscle pain, whether it be something like fibromyalgia or arthritis, turmeric can help because of its anti-inflammatory properties. A 2016 study reviewed six studies that used turmeric or curcumin specifically for arthritis pain, comparing them to either a placebo, glucosamine or the NSAIDs ibuprofen or diclofenac. The dosage of curcumin in the studies varied from 100 milligrams to up to 2000 milligrams per day. The studies found that curcumin decreased pain significantly compared to placebo and that it was comparable to ibuprofen and diclofenac in decreasing pain and stiffness.

  • Turmeric can also help with blood sugar. If you have issues like diabetes or low energy levels, we know turmeric, because of its antioxidants, can help balance out those blood sugar levels. A 2013 review of studies suggests that curcumin can decrease the level of glucose in blood, as well as other diabetes-related complications. Researchers also found that curcumin may have a role in diabetes prevention.

  • Turmeric has antimicrobial properties. In fact, many women today actually use turmeric as a face mask. You can simply mix a little bit of turmeric with raw honey, rub it on your face, and then wash it off about five minutes later. Also, you can actually use some essential oils like frankincense would be great as well. Put it on your face. Wash it off. It has incredible benefits of killing off different types of bacteria like acne.

  • Turmeric has been shown to be very powerful when it comes to detoxification. It does support liver detoxification and boosting two antioxidants in your body called glutathione and SOD, that's superoxide dismutase. These are very important antioxidants for cellular function.

  • Turmeric has been shown to be effective at cleaning out your arteries. If you have high cholesterol issues or high blood pressure, we know turmeric is helpful for that. If you have plaque in your arteries, turmeric and curcumin have been shown to be effective.

  • Anti-inflammatory effects of Turmeric are touted even as a possible Alzheimer's preventive. Amyloid deposits are a telltale sign of Alzheimer's disease, and curcumin has been shown to have anti-amyloid activity.  Multiple studies in mice and rats genetically modified to have Alzheimer's have shown that the addition of curcumin to their diets reduced the deposits of amyloid within the brain and decreased the markers of brain inflammation. However, these animal studies used either intravenous or intraperitoneal curcumin, not oral curcumin, so delivery and absorption methods need further study.

  • As for cancer, research shows that curcumin can inhibit multiple cancers in a laboratory environment and in mice.   This benefit was also seen in conjunction with traditional chemotherapeutic agents, suggesting curcumin might enhance the activity of chemotherapy and decrease some of its side effects.  The studies are still in their infancy in humans, so it is difficult to make any definitive conclusions.


Those are just really a few of the benefits of turmeric. There are numerous other benefits. If you go throughout the medical literature, you'll see it's been shown to be beneficial for just about everything because it's highly anti-inflammatory, it supports detoxification, it's so high in antioxidants, and it has antimicrobial properties. We truly need more studies of turmeric and, more specifically, curcumin. The therapeutic value of this root continues to amaze us!


Thanks for reading, The CBD Doc.


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