Corvo-19 How Do We Protect Ourselves

What are we missing in our quest to combat the Coronavirus? What are we not being told in regards to better protecting ourselves from what has now been declared a pandemic of major proportions? How can we make ourselves immune, to not only the illness, but the negative hype as well?
While the talking heads of the news media all scramble to “keep people informed” about the Corvid-19 virus, sadly in part because it is an election year, it has become a political circus that is pitting people against one another to make you believe what you are told not based on logic but more often dependent  on your political affiliation.
Not only is this contrary to the rules of humanity but, it creates a dangerous situation for everyone in every country throughout the globe.
In America for instance, there is a “damned if you do damned if you don’t”, mentality that the news media is using to create an almost apocalyptic scenario whereby people are getting into physical confrontations over rolls of toilet paper. What’s next; shootouts at the grocery store over the last box of frozen pizza rolls? The liberal media should be ashamed, if not held accountable, for their dangerous actions.
It is difficult to get answers to important questions when our “leaders” see this potentially devastating situation as merely a talking point and a way of attacking their political opponent.
The psychology around this virus and the way it is being covered is strange indeed. We have faced similar situations in the recent past but nowhere near like this. Sadly, instead of learning, we chose to go on as “business as usual” once the threat had passed. Each year, in America, we suffer the deaths of several thousands of people to the common flu. We know that each year, the flu will attack about the same amount of individuals, around the same period and time, in largely the same socio-economic group, with the same devastating result. However, we don’t close airports, order employees to work from home nor go as far as to quarantine persons who simply demonstrate even the slight symptoms of infection. Instead, we try to convince people to get their flus shots early and steer clear of people around them that may be ill.
Please, don’t misinterpret my statements. I am not trying to imply that this may not be a serious situation nor downplay the importance of proper action. I am simply stating that there may be a huge difference in what is actually occurring and what we are being led to believe.
Let’s try to look at it a different way? What if the “media” that we know and trust, told us a million Americans had contracted Corvid-19 but, fewer than forty to date have died from the virus. Half of which were in one community of nursing homes in a specific area and mostly over seventy and had pre-existing conditions that placed them at a higher risk for infection. Would that change your attitude at all?
Sadly, in regards to the “regular flu” the number of annual fatalities tend to be somewhat skewed. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) often attributes the death of elderly persons to the flu when in fact they may have died of congestive heart failure, pneumonia or simply natural causes. Anytime the flu may be suspect then, that is often what it is attributed to.
The questioned that bears asking is why? Why would they inflate the numbers to make it look worse than it is? The answer, unfortunately, is simple. The CDC does so in order to create a fictitious demand for vaccines. As we have discussed in past blogs, many of our health officials and government personnel and agencies are inextricably attached to the pharmaceutical industry. The problem is, we continue to trust and place in power individuals that are corrupt to the core who have only their best interest at heart when it comes to our health and safety.
Instead of educating people and incentivizing them to be healthy, our leaders prefer to support entities that are more concerned with the bottom line than they are with our well-being.
For centuries, societies around the globe have sworn by the healing powers of herbs and holistic medicines. Even recently in this country, the stated healing powers of cannabis and industrial hemp products have been touted as miracle cures for maladies such as stress and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, abdominal issues, pain and inflammation issues and even cancer and other various diseases. But, because big-pharma has yet to figure out a way to control production and the profitability of these supposed “cures” they have instead sent their trained watchdogs from the FDA and CDC to go after the purveyors of these products in an attempt to silence any untested claims that might be made as to their positive effects. Not to say that many of the claims that have been made were unsubstantiated, the government entities have been complacent in supporting big-pharma’s control in regards to proving or disproving the healing effects of products that contain these compounds or developing minimal testing standards for their production and distribution. While only in the last few years, states have begun to recognize some of the healing effects of these herbs and their potential medicinal benefits, those efforts would not have been realized had it not been for the voters turning it into an issue that could only be decided at the ballot box.
In light of our current Corvid-19 issue, while we agree with the medical “experts” that there are many things we can do to reduce the risk factor in our contracting the disease. We also feel that simply increasing the amount of times you wash your hand, sanitize your surrounding area and disassociate yourself from suspected individuals may not be sufficient unless you also build up a higher level immunity within your body’s core. I personally recommend adding ginger and slippery elm to your daily dietary regiment. Ginger has been tested and proven throughout centuries to be a strong antioxidant, an antimicrobial when taken internally and as an antiseptic when applied topically. Slippery Elm contains immune protective properties and is also packed with nutrients. It is a potent source of antioxidant and also contains a host of minerals, such as magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, Vitamin C and a family of B Vitamins. Due to our access to information via the internet, we can easily investigate proven methods to better protect ourselves from the threat of these viruses and reduce the stress placed upon us by the various media channels whether the threat is real or imagined.
Don’t take anything for granted. Educate yourself and find ways to better protect your health now and in the future.
Once again, thanks for reading our blog. Stay healthy …CBD Doc.


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