Coronavirus and what we can do in the meantime

The Coronavirus, what can we do in the meantime? The purpose of this information is not to give medical advice. Rather it is intended to help educate people to what causes the virus and some of the precautions that may be undertaken to help ensure they stay healthy today and long into the future.
The Corronavirus is getting serious. Unless you have been living under a rock or on a distant planet, you have probably heard of the Coronnavirus or Covid-19.
Covid-19 is considered to be a Novel (new) virus that has recently been discovered in Wuhan, China and is rapidly becoming a global pandemic.
As of the penning of this blog, the virus has already been reported to have taken the lives of 3160 people worldwide with 122 cases confirmed in the U.S. and 231 individuals under Public Health supervision. Nine individuals in the state of Washington have succumbed to the disease. Five of which were residing in the same nursing home in King County, Wash. while eight of the nine reportedly lived in the same vicinity.  
What is Corvid-19 and how does it affect people? The virus is much like SARS in that it is considered an Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and does not usually become lethal by way of the virus alone. A number of events can trigger it including infection, trauma or sepsis. The virus causes damage to the lungs leading to fluid leaking from blood vessels and collecting in the sacks surrounding the lungs called the Alveoli. This makes it difficult for the lungs to transfer oxygen from the lungs to the blood stream. Therefore, the body often fails due to the lack of life giving oxygen. This is why the elderly tend to be more at risk for contracting the virus, especially those with respiratory disease or other health conditions. Some symptoms that may indicate risk include fever, shortness of breath, cough, body aches, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea. Currently, we are told, we are several months away from a fully tested vaccine and the best method of dealing with the symptoms is supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation to force more oxygen into the body and allow it to heal.
While the experts are still unsure how the virus is transmitted, it is suspected it can be transmitted through physical contact and airborne inhalation. The estimated time the virus can remain active on a hard surface is up to nine days while the chances of catching it through human transference is when one comes within three to six feet of an infected individual. It is suggested that one wear a disposable gown along with gloves and a disposable face mask when dealing with individuals suspected of being infected. It is also suggested that an N95 face mask is used rather than a common paper mask as it has better sealing qualities and should filter up to 95% of airborne contaminants. It is also recommended that one wash their hands often throughout the day for at least a thirty second interval using an anti-bacterial soap.
Disinfectants can help and, if used properly, can kill the active virus on hard surfaces. It is suggested that you look for FDA approved products or, if none are available, you can make your own by adding one tablespoon of bleach to one quart of water and apply it using a spray bottle and clean rag.
In addition, we recommend that you protect yourself internally by taking a product that can help build up your immunity and support your physical wellbeing.
That product is Doctor formulated and manufactured by Alia Science. It is a “unique blend of vitamins and supplements infused with premium hemp derived CBD isolate”. They call it their Digestion and Immunity Formula and contains pure CBD along with the herbs ginger and turmeric. What it does not contain is THC, the psychoactive ingredient found in full spectrum products.
Because the FDA continues to drag their feet in the testing and decision regarding hemp derived CBD products, they cannot make claims to its effects either implied or otherwise. However, the herbs ginger and turmeric, which have been around for centuries, remain two of the most extensive studied ingredients in herbal medicine.
Interestingly, both have been used to treat a variety of ailments from migraines, chronic inflammation, nausea, muscle pain and soreness, lower blood pressure and the list goes on
In addition, and as it relates to this blog, both have been accredited with improving a person’s immune function and dramatically increasing the body’s anti-oxidant capacity. One test tube study indicated that fresh ginger was effective against human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) which can cause respiratory tract infections in children and adults while another test tube study found that ginger extract blocked the growth of several strains of respiratory tract pathogens. Both should be of interest considering today’s current situation.
You can find out more by visiting the Alia Science website at and click on products.
Well, that’s it for today. I hope you find this information both interesting and helpful. 
Thanks for taking time to read our blog…CBD Doc.


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