Become better educated before deciding

What do you need to know when shopping for a high quality CBD? Unfortunately, the CBD market is a lot like the Wild West, with very few controls and people virtually manufacturing products in their basements.

If you are doing a Google search for CBD you will come across the same thing over and over again. You are going to find that real CBD oil actually comes from the Hemp plant.  You have to be careful though as there are many different factors that determine the effectiveness of the product. For instance, you will often see manufacturers’ that offer a lower cost product, claiming it is made from hemp seed oil. Now that may be all well and good, especially if you are concerned about maybe having to take a drug test and cannot afford to have THC in your test sample. However, the hemp seed is the one part of the plant that has virtually no CBD in it and makes it pretty much worthless. So, if you are purchasing the product hoping to get a remedy, for some sort of malady, then forget it. Since hemp seed has pretty much no CBD, it will not work with the bodies CBD receptors and you may as well flush your cash down the toilet.

Due to FDA regulations, we are not going to make claims that CBD cures any physical ailment.  But, we are going to try to outline for you the various types of CBD that are available and let you decide for yourself what best fits your individual “needs”.

There are in essence two types of CBD oils available on the market. The first being what is called a pure isolate and the second full or broad spectrum. Pure isolate is exactly that. When you have a pure isolate, there are no other cannabinoids in the bottle besides CBD. Pure isolate may be as much as 90% pure or even higher. The one virtue of an isolate is that there is no THC. So, no need to worry about psychoactive effects or failing a drug test.  While in full / broad spectrum cannabidiol is just one of the possible several other cannabinoids present in the product, not just CBD. What that does is it produces what manufacturers like to call the “entourage effect” or the way an entourage of different cannabinoids work together to make them more effective. The difference between full and broad spectrum is that full spectrum may contain as much as .3% THC, by weight. So, in this case, the positive effect you may think you are getting may be nothing more than the effects of the THC on the system. If you are in a career that may require you to take periodic drug testing then, I recommend you steer clear of full spectrum products. Also, if you want to use CBD oil as a cooking additive, CBD oil is virtually odorless and tasteless. Something that full spectrum cannot attest to.

I recently spoke to an owner of a vape store that carried CBD products and he said the only reason he carries full spectrum products is that several of his clientele saw it as a legal way to get high. I’m not here to judge, just showing that there are various reasons as to why people prefer one over the other.

Alright having said that let's get back on track as I want to show you better what you need to look for. To help you along, I would ask that you refer to the spectrum “wheel” that can help to explain the effects of CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBC, CBCA etc. and the comparison of full / broad spectrum versus pure isolate. 

Again, we are not laying claim that either of these products can cure any illness we are simply providing information to help you become better educated in regards to CBD products.

A few recommendations we do make though is, regardless of what product you may find best fits your need, make sure that it is formulated in a lab by a qualified person or better yet doctor formulated and/or approved. Another thing to check out is to make sure the manufacturing facility is FDA approved and the product has been properly tested and certified.  The reason I mention that is there are horror stories out there regarding companies making false claims such as the CBD gummies they found were nothing more than regular gummies with sugar sprinkled on them. Not to mention, CBD products that contained no CBD at all.

You will want to make sure you are buying from a company that is trustworthy and can back up their products with qualified documentation. As the FDA determines the final requirements for the CBD market, the manufacturers that can meet the specifications will be those that will flourish while the others will be put out of business. That is why it is important that the consumer becomes more educated so as to enable them to make an educated decision as to what products best suit them.

That said, thanks for reading our blog and we wish you good day and good health…CBD Doc


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