A follow up on B12

In our previous blog, we discussed how regular consumption of b12 helps to improve several functions including weight loss, sleep patterns and depression.  Today, we are going to further discuss some of these items as well as a few other symptoms that could be alleviated when adding b12 to your daily routine.
While b12 has been shown in studies to improve one’s circadian rhythm, another improvement is in the way which it can increase concentration and act as a mood elevator. Studies show there is a strong connection between low levels of b12, depression and difficulty in concentration. Not to mention low b12 has been linked to instances of memory loss which can also be signs of early dementia, especially in elderly individuals. Not only this but one may also experience tingling in the hands, poor reflexes, poor balance and vision problems. So, one of most important things that one can do when someone is presenting with the signs of dementia, is check their b12 because those conditions may still be reversible.
In addition, b12 plays an important role in controlling depression. If you just walk down the street 50 to 60 percent of patients, who all were on anti-depressants and those who weren't on anti-depressants still had symptoms of depression. This is a very common side effect and one that can be treated if you know what to look for. Now, what I will also say is the one of the great benefits of using b12 is that it can be used in conjunction with other therapies to treat depression so it doesn't have to be used in isolation. You can combine these things together, which is which is very helpful. While I don't necessarily promote antidepressants, I think there's better ways to treat depression. But first, for the sake of the studies that we use, if you use an antidepressant with b12 it's far superior to just using an antidepressant alone.
Another benefit is in the ability to boost your immune system. Studies have shown this is a little bit of a gray or nebulous area and the reason I say that is because there's no good way for scientists to completely remove all of the b12 in the body and then look at someone and say “well how's your immune system functioning?” So, what they do is they look at b12 deficient patients. They give them b12 and then they observe what happened and what changed? One of the things that happens is not only in the etiology of how it functions but, what they have seen is that the cd4 to cd8 t-cell ratio is normalized in patients who are Beto sufficient when you give them b12. So, the way that this manifests is that patients who tend to have lower levels of b12 tend to be sick more frequently and the illness tends to be a little bit longer. We're not talking about people that are getting crazy, weird infections and have a higher risk of tuberculosis or whatever; but instead, it's just the average person who goes out with someone with a runny nose and they come back with runny nose every single time. It's like their immune services are just is not working effectively. While b12 is involved in that system, it's not really a hundred percent. This can make them susceptible to contracting even the slightest illnesses.
Probably one of the more important things about b12 is that b12 may actually increase hair growth, or stop hair loss. There are numerous studies that show the importance of this and this was not something I was made aware of until I started to really evaluate the literature. But, several studies have shown that nutrients are required for proper hair growth and among those is serum b12.  You have to have normal levels of serum b12 and ferritin which is a marker of kind which stores iron in the body. You also need a normal level of hemoglobin. If you do not have normal levels of those in your body, you will not have enough for proper hair growth. Therefore, if you are having any sort of hair loss or slow hair growth, then I recommend you check out this out as well.
Hope we provided some additional knowledge and information b12! 

Thanks for reading CBD Doctor


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