Benefits of Taking Butterbur

Butterbur much resembles rhubarb a big leafy plant which been used for thousands of years in Asia and Europe both as a food source and for its medicinal qualities. It contains a healing agent called Butterbur ze339 which is considered to be a powerful healing antioxidant agent that’s use can be traced back to the middle ages.
Back then, it was used for curing fevers and was even thought to be effective in controlling symptoms of the plague.  It was later used by the American Indians as a cure for coughs, asthma and skin wounds. They also used it to for healing headaches and inflammation.  In fact, it's great for the relief of insulin inflammation which is often the first sign in many diseases.
Today it is more often used to alleviate urinary tract symptoms, upset stomachs, migraines, allergies and a variety of other maladies. In capsule form, Butterbur works especially great for relief of migraines and allergies. One must be sure to only take medication from plants that are processed in a lab and are labeled PA free. This is a process which removes the alkaloids in the plant. The alkaloids are the agents which can cause problems in both the liver and in kidneys. Native Americans used it in its pure form and even made tea from the stems, roots and leaves. But, I do not recommend you do so especially if you suffer from liver or kidney disease. It's really important that your bottle says PA free.
 Butterbur has been subject to a number of chemical trials and really does a great job of reducing inflammation. As we noted before, it contains large amounts of antioxidants and especially works well in controlling migraines and allergies. Because it contains the flavonoids kaempferol and quercetin, it helps to dilate the blood vessels in the brain and helps to transport blood throughout the body. Also flavonoids have been found to kill bacteria and may prevent some forms of cancer. However, its main use is in reducing inflammation and pain. While it does not actually get rid of the pain, like aspirin, it limits the sensitivity out of the neurons. You know the pain still there but, the sensitivity in the neurons is not. Therefore, you don't feel the pain as much. That's how it works. There was a study done with 33 individuals and overall it was reported they had a 45 percent decrease in their migraines which continued over an extended period of time. They still had positive effects even after two or three months. Thus proving it really works well. Another study published in Neurology showed that frequency of headaches went down by 48 percent over a four month period. While another study, with 245 people, showed a 68 percent decrease in the frequency of headaches when taking 75 milligrams daily. Another study of 108 children in Germany showed that 91% the patients felt substantially better. Also, a short-term use is recommended by the Canadian headache Society and the American headache society.
There are also a number of studies showing it really works great for allergies. It can help reduce the sneezing, the itchy watery eyes, the coughing and the other symptoms that go along with having allergies. Also, it's better than all the steroids, antihistamines and decongestants that we take to help get rid of the red eyes, runny noses and other symptoms that make us miserable and antisocial.
A double blind study in Switzerland with 168 patients showed that taking Butterbur really made a huge difference and was much better than the placebo of another study. Also, it showed it worked as well as an over-the-counter medication. Another study of 500 people with allergies showed they had a reported 90% reduction in their allergy symptoms, which is pretty amazing. In another study, 186 people showed that after a week of treatment they still had a long term effects of the using the Butterbur and they had less problems with allergies. Another study of 346 patients compared it to other medications that you can buy over-the-counter, and showed that it works really well with fewer symptoms.
Another benefit is, Butterbur is great for lowering LDL cholesterol. This is significant as lowering cholesterol helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes. In addition, due to the antioxidant properties, it has been shown to lower blood pressure and helps to fight cardiovascular disease.
Another problem not often mentioned is; materials we have in our environment, such as plastics, have been identified as directly responsible for the reduction of male sperm counts. Studies show that regular doses of Butterbur can help increase sperm production. That's a really good. Especially if you have decided you may want children someday.
Lastly, Butterbur has also been accredited with preventing, reducing and healing stomach ailments due to its high antioxidant properties. Study shows it can help to heal and reduce the size of stomach ulcers.
Increased consumption of Butterbur has also been shown help to prevent inflammation in the brain. The study in the European Journal of nutrition demonstrated that it prevented damage to the brain and its neurons. It also demonstrates that it is a powerful protectant for the brain.  Having the same form of antioxidants which you find in broccoli, Brussel sprouts, spinach, apples and green tea really does a great job to protect the brain from damage and to protect it from Alzheimer's and also dementia.
So, since you are getting older you will want to take some Butterbur once in a while. It not only can help to prevent the disorders of the brain, it also helps to protect the kidneys and liver because it contains all these powerful antioxidants. Just remember to purchase from a trusted source and always look for PA free. That way you are not getting alkaloids that bother your liver and your kidneys.

Hope we have provided some informative information on Butterbur.
Thanks for reading CBD Doctor


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