B12 and your body

Today, I want to talk to you about the benefits of (vitamin) b12 shots of which you might not be aware. B12 shots tend to be more powerful and far more effective than using oral or even sublingual forms. I'll attempt to explain some of that in this post.
I believe a lot of that has to do with the reduction and absorption in the GI tract of oral formulations of b12 whether it might be sublingual or otherwise. But first, let's discuss some of the benefits that you may experience. If you're going to use b12, probably the most common positive side effects that patients experience is that it increases your energy level. It can help fight fatigue and the reason that this occurs is not entirely understood. But, I think I can somewhat explain. Essentially what happens is that vitamin b12 plays a very important role in mitochondrial energy production.  Methyl cobalamin and b12 are involved in this area. You've got other B vitamins like B 3, B 5 and B 2.  B12 in addition to other B vitamins are all included in the production of ATP synthesis in your mitochondria. This is important for several reasons. First, your mitochondrial produces all the energy in your body. Anything that limits the production of more energy in your body is going to result in the manifestation of the subjective symptom of fatigue. When we say it's reducing your ability to produce ATP we're not saying you do not produce any ATP. If that were the case, you would be dead. That is not what is happening, but instead, I want you to consider it in this in this light. In terms of efficiency, say you have something that's functions 100%. That's what you want you want your mitochondria to be. Somewhat like a well- oiled machine where products come in and energy comes out. That is how it should work.
Second is your metabolism. Studies have shown depending upon the amount of energy that you produce and the efficiency of your basal metabolic rate, determines the amount of calories that you burn at rest.  So, the amount of calories that you burn at rest is directly proportional to the amount of energy that is produced and therefore can be burned as fuel. If you are low, taking vitamin b12 could potentially help you increase your energy through this mechanism. Let me give you an example. I talked a lot about metabolism for good reason. The main reason is, in my opinion, your metabolism is the single most important predictor in effecting weight loss and also maintaining a normal weight. The reason for that is your basal metabolic rate, aka your metabolism, which is responsible for the vast majority of all the calories that you burn throughout the day. So, me sitting here talking and you and you listening to this, we are both burning calories. We're thinking, we're talking our hearts and muscles are moving. All of these things are happening and you're burning calories. The amount that you're burning just sitting, resting, sleeping, eating, thinking, whatever, is the majority of the calories that you burn every day. So, the conventional approach is to say, what can be done to increase the amount that we exercise? Therefore, we will burn more calories which will help with weight loss. Well, that's not always true because exercising and increasing the amount of calories that you burn in exercise is a small fraction of the total.  Let's say that 90% of your calories are burned at rest by just breathing, eating, thinking and sleeping and 10% you actually have the ability to influence. Let's say that you can manipulate that 10% by exercising more. Well, even if you double your exercise you're really only doubling that small 10%. What you really want to focus on is increasing that 90% which will manifest as a lot of weight loss down the line.  That’s exactly how b12 can help increase weight loss through an indirect way.
So in a nutshell, more energy production equals more energy available which equals more heat production and therefore more calories burned overall. Also, people that have a low metabolism often tend to have a low body temperature. That and the thyroid tend to go together. I know it's kind of a complex topic but, it's worth mentioning. So, can vitamin b12 help with weight loss? The answer is yes but not in the way that you might suspect. The reason for that is this it helps in an indirect way.
Among the benefits that we might be considered will be the taking of b12 to influence a better night’s sleep. It has been shown that the lack of sleep increases your risk for developing obesity by increasing the amount of blood sugar that you have. A slow metabolism can be used as a predictor of weight gain long term especially after weight loss. Low energy levels make it difficult to exercise and low levels of exercise often lead to weight gain. We know that very well and low b12 is also associated with depression. But, more interestingly than that is depression leads to weight gain and obesity as well.
So you can see now that by taking b12 you can increase your sleep, increase your metabolism have more energy and you can improve your mood. By doing those things, you can eliminate risk factors that lead to obesity. While no study has directly said taking b12 will result in weight loss, it indirectly does through these mechanisms that I am explaining to you.
In addition, improved sleeping patterns have a direct effect over your circadian rhythm. Now this is another interesting fact. Studies have shown specifically methyl cobalamin, which is the methylated form of b12, has been shown to improve and regulate your circadian rhythm. Therefore, it is safe to say that when your circadian rhythm is on point, you are more apt to experience a better mood, achieve better rest, reduce sugar levels and control obesity. Therefore achieving a better personal outlook overall.

Hope we provided some knowledge on B12! 

Thanks for reading CBD Doctor


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