10 Ways To Help Improve Your PMA

10 Ways To Help Improve Your PMA
1)      Get the amount of rest that is correct for you.  Experts suggest that the average “healthy” adult requires 7-9 hours of rest each night. While everyone’s sleep cycle varies, they basically break down into 4 cycles that you will normally move in and out of during the night. Stage one is light sleep, which is more shallow and less restful. During this stage, you are still hearing things and have a sense of awareness like, the clock ticking in the other room etc. Most move in and out of this cycle about 50+ percent of the time.  Stage two is also considered to be light sleep but, less shallow, as your body relaxes and your metabolism begins to regulate itself. The third is deep sleep. This is when you become less responsive, your breathing slows and your heart rate usually becomes more regular.  This is the stage when your body repairs itself is thought to strengthen its immune system. The fourth stage is REM sleep; otherwise known as rapid eye movement. This is when the brain is most active and the body is the most inactive. REM is extremely important for emotional regulation and memory. If you have problems with finding the best way to get a “good night’s sleep”, there are several methods available, from over the counter remedies to natural herbs such as Melatonin. If these don’t work, you’ll need to consult your personal physician. A good day starts with a good night’s sleep.
2)      Watch what you eat and when. Find a diet regiment that works for you. We all know that a diet that contains all of the four main food groups is imperative for good health. And remember that, things are better in moderation. Don’t overdo the fried foods or too much protein. As far as your food intake is concerned, balance is better. Also important is when you eat. Eating a large meal before turning in is not a good idea. You must allow your system to digest a while as your metabolism slows down during the sleep process.
3)      Create a routine that works for you. Not having a manageable routine can throw you off your game. We are all unique individuals. So, you will need to develop one that works for you. When you get up, when you eat, when you work, when you exercise, and when you rest. Sticking to a reasonable routine will help your metabolism better deal with the day’s challenges and hopefully, help keep you healthier.
4)      Get regular exercise. Whether it is walking the dog, mowing the grass, going to the gym or simply washing the car, you need to find time to burn off a few calories. And, if you are lucky, get a little sun while you are at it.
5)      Stay focused. Set a list of goals for yourself and track your progress. You can make it as simple or complex as you want. Some “experts” suggest setting a 5 year plan, then breaking it down further into yearly, monthly etc. You get it. Just don’t make it too complicated or set unrealistic goals. If you put success out of reach, you will only get frustrated and give up. Then, occasionally review your progress and make adjustments as you see fit. And, don’t forget to reward yourself as you move forward.
6)      Visualize yourself being successful. Not in a cocky way but, in a way where people see you as confident and focused. When you visualize yourself as successful, neurons in your brain create pathways which help develop positive actions, learned behavior and memories.
7)      Start your day with a plan. Before you start, make a list of the “things” you feel you need to accomplish in your day. They may be as important as completing a report for the boss or picking up your dry cleaning. Either way, it will help you stay on task and you will find you accomplish more than if you were just moving around blindly.
8)      Keep distractions to a minimum. Standing at the watercooler talking about the weekend games is fun and a good way to maintain a good relationship with your coworkers. But remember, you still have your list you need to get completed. There is always time to catch up once you are caught up.
9)      Surround yourself with motivated people. It’s said that you most likely resemble the five people you spend the most time with. If you give it some thought, you will probably find that these people have a significant influence on your success both long and short term. That said, try to align yourself with the type of “friends and acquaintances” that not only support but challenge you as well. We all have that one person in our lives that just can’t seem to get it together. And while I am not saying to abandon them, don’t let them deter you from achieving your goals.
10)   Work to control that “loser’s limp”. If there is something that is keeping you from completing your tasks or reaching your goals, find a way to eliminate the roadblock. This can be something that affects your daily routine or long range goals. Once you start making excuses for not being able to accomplish something, you will find that you will only lessen your feeling of success and increase your level of frustration. Neither of which is helpful in maintaining a positive attitude. Success starts with you, whether short or long term. Stay positive, evaluate every situation and come up with a solution that best helps you stay on track.  

Good luck and thanks for reading today’s blog…CBD Doctor


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